المعرفة:: JavaScript الحالة::مؤرشفة المراجع:: The Complete JavaScript Course 2022 From Zero to Expert
- Closures are not a feature that we explicitly use, it happens automatically in certain situations, we just need to recognize those situations.
- Closure makes a function remember all the variables that existed when the function was created.
- Any function always has access to the variable environment of the execution context in which the function was created.
- Even though when the execution context has actually been destroyed, the variable environment somehow keeps living somewhere in the engine.
- A closure is the closed-over variable environment of the execution context in which a function was created, even after that execution context is gone.
// Closures
const secureBooking = function () {
let passengerCount = 0; // This variable will be accessed even after function isn't in the EC
return function () {
console.log(`${passengerCount} passengers`);
const booker = secureBooking(); // this makes booker a function as well
booker(); // 1 passengers
booker(); // 2 passengers
booker(); // 3 passengers
console.dir(booker); // Simliar to log, but allows more inspection like scopes
// More Closure Examples
let f; // define an empty variable
const g = function () {
const a = 5; // set function scope variable
f = function () {
// set f value to a function
console.log(a * 2);
f(); // 10
// Re-assigning f function
const h = function () {
const b = 7;
f = function () {
console.log(b * 2);
f(); // 14
// Example 2
const boardPassengers = function (n, wait) {
const perGroup = n / 3;
setTimeout(function () {
// timeout functions are executed independently from its parent function
console.log(`We are now boarding all ${n} passengers`);
console.log(`There are 3 groups, each with ${perGroup} passengers`);
}, wait * 1000);
console.log(`Will start boarding in ${wait} seconds`);
const perGroup = 1000;
boardPassengers(180, 3);
// IIFE closure
(function () {
const header = document.querySelector("h1");
header.style.color = "red";
document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("click", function () {
header.style.color = "blue"; // This function still have access to header, even though the parent function is executed already.