Whenever we call a method on a string, JavaScript will convert that string primitive to string object with same content using new String(), that object has all string methods, and when the process is done, the object is converted back to a regular string primitive. This process is called boxing.
Getting character of a string in a specific position
String Length
Getting the position of a certain letter in a string
Removing Parts of String via .slice
Using .slice with .indexOf to get specific strings
Get strings from last index first - Negative slicing
Change string case
Fix string capitalization
Trimming strings
trim() function removes trailing white space at both start and end of a string.
String replacements
Replicating replaceAll with Regex:
String checks
Check if a word exists in a string
Check if a string starts with sub-string
Check if a string ends with sub-string
Split a string into an array
Combining an array into string
Padding a string
In situations where the string needs to be a specified character length, we can use padding methods padStart and padEnd.