المعرفة:: JavaScript الحالة::مؤرشفة المراجع:: The Complete JavaScript Course 2022 From Zero to Expert, syahshiimi’s notes, syahshiimi’s notes, syahshiimi’s notes
How string methods work?
Whenever we call a method on a string, JavaScript will convert that string primitive to string object with same content using new String()
, that object has all string methods, and when the process is done, the object is converted back to a regular string primitive. This process is called boxing.
Getting character of a string in a specific position
const plane = "A320";
console.log(plane[0]); // A
console.log(plane[1]); // 3
console.log(plane[2]); // 2
console.log("B737"[0]); // B
String Length
const airline = "TAP Air Portugal";
console.log(airline.length); // 16
console.log("B737".length); // 4
Getting the position of a certain letter in a string
const airline = "TAP Air Portugal";
// getting the index of specific alphabet
console.log(airline.indexOf("r")); // 6 - the first position of 'r'
console.log(airline.lastIndexOf("r")); // 10 - the last position of 'r'
consoele.log(airline.indexOf("portugal")); // -1 - string wasn't found
Removing Parts of String via .slice
const airline = "TAP Air Portugal";
console.log(airline.slice(4)); // Air Portugal - starts slicing at index position 4
// Substr length = end - beginning
console.log(airline.slice(4, 7)); // Air - starts at 4 and ends at position 7
Using .slice
with .indexOf
to get specific strings
const airline = "TAP Air Portugal";
console.log(airline.slice(0, airline.indexOf(" "))); // TAP - extracts the first name in the string, followed by the space afterwards
console.log(airline.slice(airline.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1)); // Portugal - starts slicing from the last ' ' position + 1
Get strings from last index first - Negative slicing
const airline = "TAP Air Portugal";
console.log(airline.slice(-2)); // al
console.log(airline.slice(1, -1)); // AP Air Portugal
Change string case
const airline = "TAP Air Portugal";
console.log(airline.toLowerCase()); // tap air portugal
console.log(airline.toUpperCase()); // TAP AIR PORTUGAL
Fix string capitalization
const passenger = "jOnas";
const passengerLower = passenger.toLowerCase();
const passengerCorrect = passengerLower[0].toUpperCase() + passenger.slice(1);
console.log(passengerCorrect); // 'Jonas'
Trimming strings
function removes trailing white space at both start and end of a string.
const s = " string with spaces ";
console.log(s.trim()); // string with spaces
String replacements
const priceGB = '$288,07'
const priceJP = priceGB.replace('$', 'Y').replace(',' '.');
console.log(priceJP) // 288.07$
const announcement = "All passengers come to boarding door 23. Boarding door 23";
console.log(announcement.replaceAll("door", "gate")); // 'All passengers come to boarding gate 23. Boarding gate 23' - replaces all occurences of word "door" in the string with "gate"
- Replicating
with Regex:
console.log(announcement.replace(/door/g, "gate")); // 'All passengers come to boarding gate 23. Boarding gate 23'
String checks
Check if a word exists in a string
const plane = "Airbus A320";
console.log(plane.includes("Airbus")); // returns true
console.log(plane.includes("Boeing")); // returns false
console.log(plane.includes("Ai")); // returns true
Check if a string starts with sub-string
const plane = "Airbus A320neo";
console.log(plane.startsWith("Airb")); // true
Check if a string ends with sub-string
const plane = "Airbus A320neo";
console.log(plane.endsWith("neo")); // true
if (plane.startsWith("Airbus") && plane.endsWith("neo")) {
console.log("Part of the NEW ARirbus family");
Split a string into an array
console.log("a+very+nice+string".split("+")); // ["a", "very", "nice", "string"]
const [firstName, lastName] = "Real Person".split(" "); // Real, Person
Combining an array into string
// using join
const newName = ["Mr.", firstName, lastName.toUpperCase()].join(" ");
Padding a string
In situations where the string needs to be a specified character length, we can use padding methods padStart
and padEnd
const message = "Go to Gate 23";
console.log(message.padStart(25, "+").padEnd(35, "+"));
Convert a number to a string
const str = 9 + ""; // '9'
String Repetition
"5".repeat(4); // 5555